Should Americans abroad own non-US domiciled funds?
Welcome to 2022. We believe this is going to be a year where many different geopolitical, economic, market and health outcomes are possible. That makes it a good time to assess the various risk factors that affect us all, including the question of whether Americans abroad should own funds that are not domiciled in the US. We’ll discuss this and other expat financial questions in this blog. Before we get started, we want to mention that we are a financial advisor for expats and Americans abroad. We’ve written the following blogs on expat investing...
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Year-end financial planning for US citizens living abroad
Here are some  things to consider regarding financial planning for year end for US citizens living abroad.  2021 ending on an unsettling note As we end 2021, we are beset with many challenges; first and foremost, one’s health and well-being. The new Omicron variant has created much uncertainty. At the time of writing, my impression is that it is more contagious, but milder in its impact versus previous variants. But it has had the effect of having people spend more time at home once again. Many people do not want to return to office jobs.  We...
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Five key expat investing points you may want to know!
As a US citizen living outside the US, one has to take US and local tax and reporting consequences into account when planning your investment strategy, and what type of investment vehicles to focus on. Here are five key points about expat investing that you may want to be aware of.Before we begin, please bear in mind that Uncle Sam insists that US citizens file a US tax return, irrespective of domicile. And even if you live in a tax haven such as Israel, you will still pay the higher of the local or the US tax rates on passive investments. While this blog...
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5 tips for US expats Retiring in Israel
Retiring in Israel brings with it a host of questions. In this blog we will discuss the major concepts you may need to become familiar with if you are a US expat looking to retire in Israel.But first, make sure you download our checklist of what to know if you are relocating to Israel. Resources for your Israel retirementBefore we get started, I’ve written these blogs about life in Israel which you may enjoy as well:Immigrating to IsraelChecklist for moving to IsraelA guide to investing abroadLiving in Israel as...
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Immigrating to Israel: expat finance tips & more!
Immigrating to Israel is a transition that encompasses many touch points – financial, psychological, cultural, lifestyle, etc.  Here are some thoughts for those of you who intend to make Aliyah (immigrate to Israel), or those of you who are Israeli-born US expat citizens who plan to move back to Israel (Toshavim Hozrim).Before we get started, if you haven’t taken a look at our Israel relocation checklist, please do so. to Israel – financial and health benefitsThere are beneficial resources in the US to...
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Traveling to Israel during COVID-19
I recently returned to Israel after a three week trip to New York City. This note is meant to assist you in making the return process as smooth as possible. If you are going to be traveling to Israel during COVID-19, here are some things to keep in mind.Before I get into the blog, please be mindful that this blog is written in September 2021. Although the information is current for today, it may change at any moment. #1 Covid testingThe first order of business is to get a COVID test within 72 hours of travel. The timing of this is a little tricky as you also...
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5 things I like about being a financial advisor for expats
Being a financial advisor for expats is a challenging, exciting and rewarding profession. Here are five reasons why.  Five reasons being an expat financial advisor is great! #1 The opportunity to deal with complex situations It seems like being a financial advisor for expats, every day there is something new. Here are a few examples of ways in which we have helped US expats navigate the complexities of multiple countries’ financial and legal systems. An Israeli who was left shares of a certain US-listed beverage company in his late American grandmothers’...
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Moving to Israel: relocation checklist
I have been talking to potential and current clients who are in the process of moving to Israel, and most are overwhelmed by the number of things that need to be done. Here is a partial and non-exclusive relocation checklist. Relocation checklist for moving to Israel There are several items to address before moving to Israel. Here’s a checklist. Getting US financial affairs in order. Ensuring that immigration documentation is properly arranged. Selling the house. Deciding what to bring in container vessel. Setting up Israel bank account and deciding...
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6 investment tips for US persons moving overseas
Here are six important investment tips for US persons moving overseas and changing their domicile to a foreign county. Here at Nardis, much of our focus is on Israel and the UK, but most of the principles listed below are relevant wherever you decide to move to.#1 Watch for double taxationThe US taxes its citizens globally. There are tax treaties with most countries so you will most likely not be double-taxed on regular income etc., but you will pay residual US tax over a certain threshold ($107,600...
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Relocation tips for US expats that are moving to Israel
In this blog we are going to summarize the key relocation tips for US expats who are moving to Israel should be aware of. We have summarized these ideas in the video below.If you are a US expat moving to Israel and would like more expat financial tips, please join the Nardis Advisors email newsletter. Check your brokerage accountsCheck to see if you can still trade in your US brokerage accounts. You want to check if your broker or advisor in the US will...
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